Thursday, January 28, 2010

One Daily Question

As person who seeks to be a good communicator I have learned the value of asking a good question. I have been blessed with a number of friends who ask me outstanding questions and I am the better for them.

I am pleased to announce that I have started, first on Twitter and now Facebook, asking a daily question that I trust will help you stop and think, generate good conversation or just bring a smile. I hope those of you who see the question in your Twitter feed or in your Facebook news feed will appreciate the questions and will feel free to share them with others. I won't clutter your online world - just one question a day, some serious, some just for fun. Respond, submit your own questions or complain - all is welcome and encouraged.

Will you let me know what you think? (there is another question)

Jesse Waggoner

One Daily Question on FACEBOOK

One Daily Question on TWITTER

One Daily Question on

Friday, January 22, 2010

Marriage Protection

When it comes to weddings I usually have the "best seat in the house." Getting to officiate at a wedding is one of the fun things a pastor gets to do and it does offer a wonderful perspective on the proceedings. For one thing, no one blocks your view; you get to really see the reactions of the bride and groom and you have no trouble hearing the vows being said (you also can't be late since they can't start without you!). One of my favorite moments is when the bride first makes her appearance; I usually glance at the grooms face and watch the "wow" expression when he first glimpses his bride in her wedding day glory.

There are more sobering moments in a wedding, especially when I say the part about..."until death do us part." This fixes in my mind the preciousness of marriage and its permanence. There are very few other things in life to which we make a life-long, sacred vow. Not every marriage makes it until death do us part, but that is certainly God's greatest ideal for every marriage and this is what we, as ministry, are committed to helping our couples accomplish. The best thing that you can do to work toward a permanent marriage is focus on your and your spouse’s spiritual development. From our growing commitment to Christ comes a growing commitment to marriage. Please pray for couples and families as we continue today to see what God has to say about the family this Sunday at Bible Center or you can catch up on the "Family Survival Kit series" at

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Father's Love Letter

Don't miss this video - it may change your life!

Copyright 1999-2005

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

$122 will protect your family

According to the website you can purchase a family survival kit for five people for only $122.00. The kit includes: “the most effective emergency supplies for emergency preparedness including the emergency food, water, lighting, radio, first-aid, sanitation, and shelter supplies to prepare for all disasters. This deluxe kit also contains a Solar / Hand-Crank Powered Flashlight, Radio, Flashing LED Siren & Mobile Phone Charger with a universal adapter - just plug in your cell phone car charger to charge your phone using the hand-crank / Dynamo Power Generator.” And in design of creative ingenuity all of this comes packed in a large plastic pail with a hinged lid that can serve as portable toilet.

I don’t know if you have such a kit, or if you have any emergency supplies set aside for an emergency but there are those threats that come that even Quake Kare kit can’t cover. For these we need to have God’s direction, advice and involvement. I want you to plan to join us on Sunday as we continue our study called "Family Survival Kit" and if you need to catch up on the series you can find audio/video and notes from the series on the website. As we continue to study God's Word, will you join me in being thankful for the resource He gives to protect us spiritually?

The King Comes to Charleston

Recently the news media took note of what would have been Elvis Presley's 75th birthday. Also more than 30 years after the event, a previously unknown recording of Elvis' 5th and final concert in Charleston has surfaced. The concert was the 8:30 show on July 24, 1976. Toward the end of concert (you can hear the final portion here) Elvis remarks to his West Virginia fans...

"you are really a fantastic audience here... anytime you want us back here, just let us know and we will be glad to come back, until we meet you, adios."

But we now know the rest of the story, Elvis did not return to Charleston and 13 months later at the age of 42 the mega-star from Memphis was dead. Presley's last Charleston stop is interesting for other reasons, three days later Elvis's long-time girlfriend, Linda Thompson, who more than anyone kept Elvis's drug habit is check, would leave him. And in a bit of hind-sight irony the last song before the quote above was, "Ain't it Funny How Time Slips Away."

I only tell this to make this simple point - we have no promise of tomorrow. Or as James puts it...

"Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that." (James 4:13-15)

Our times are in the hands of God, and it is for Him we are to live. And since our journey through this life is amazingly brief make every moment count. A final note from recording above - it ends with the now famous announcement that "Elvis has left the building." What will be left when you take your bow and make your exit?

Saturday, January 09, 2010

The first law of influence

I am sharing my teaching material from my Wed. night class "The Art of Biblical Leadership" on this video podcast

Here is a a sample....

Friday, January 08, 2010

Some New Year's Resolutions You Can Keep

It is no secret that most New Year resolutions are not kept, and by this point in the new year is when most start to crumble. So to help you out here is a short list of resolutions you can keep:

1. I am going to eat more and exercise less
2. I am going to watch more TV
3. I am going to spend less time listening and more time talking
4. I am going to max out my credit card
5. I will share my opinions without worrying about facts
6. I will always assume I am right
7. I will always assume you are wrong

So what do you think? OK, I wrote those hoping you would smile, but also to prove a point. To do the right thing we must be intentional and we must apply discipline and hard work. This is true in the spiritual realm. In order to grow in Christ and influence our families for Christ, we must "roll up our sleeves and get to work." We can begin that by giving ourselves over to the study of the Word of God. I am ready, are you?

Monday, January 04, 2010

Clip from Christmas Concert

I and the other pastors of Bible Center joined the BCC praise team for this song during their Christmas concert - first time playing the drums in public in 30 years! Enjoy

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Resources for - Family Survival Kit Series

I mentioned a couple of resources in session one of the "Family Survival Kit" series that will soon be available on One was the book the DNA of relationships. You can get it on, I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to seriously improve your relationships.

A second resource is the National Institute of Marriage which offers intensive marriage counseling in both Branson, MO and Rome, GA. The website of this organizations is

If you want more information on "Core Fears" use this link
Core Fear Test Michael Smally

More on Core Fears and Connection and Control
Core Fears

MP3 Audio on DNA of Relationships

Article on the "Fear Dance" by Dr. Robert Paul
Egypt to the Promised Land

Jesse Waggoner