I thought it is about time for a personal update, I will post some of my thoughts from the Word next time. I have been busy serving the good folks at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church as their Interim Senior Pastor. I have enjoyed being in the pulpit preaching three times a week. If you want to follow my preaching ministry you can use these links:
www.podcast.waggonermedia.com (Sunday Morning series)
www.podcast2.waggonermedia.com (Sunday evening messages)
I have been excited to be part of two new ministries through MCBC - the first is we have begun a second Sunday Morning service. It meets at 9 a.m. in our Connection Theater; the second service remains at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary. I have also been busy putting together a new ministry to men. The Lord has provided a great core of men to get things off the ground and we are expecting the Lord to continue to bless this ministry. The teaching for the Man2Man group is being recorded and will be available later. I have been working on putting together a video set so that this teaching can be on video and audio. (The picture above is a test shot from the studio set-up).
Things with the family are face-paced these days. Brian is graduating in May and getting married to Katie in June. We will be making a trip to Florida for this great event. Brandon and Heather are going to Uganda for missions work for the month of July. Also in July Jessica and Eric are expecting a baby girl and Julie and will be grandparents at a shockingly young age :) Julie has remained busy with teaching piano and she volunteers at Thomas Memorial Hospital.
May of you have asked about my Doctorate program, well last Tuesday I was informed that my Dissertation has been accepted and this means all work is completed for me to be awarded a Doctorate Degree in Biblical Preaching. Not sure when I will have a diploma in hand but I am glad to have this completed. If you want to take a look at my work you can download a eBook copy of it using this link:
I want to conclude by thanking all of your for your kindness and love you have shown to all of us over these last few months.