I chose it because the lightening can be viewed one of two ways. Is it a source of fear that one should run for cover and tremble in its presence or does it stand for a power that is beyond us and that power is one that can uphold us in scary times? Right now it seems to me that the mood of most of us is that there is some fear among us, some frustration or worry that things on many levels are not quite right. To respond correctly we must not look at the storms but the one who controls them!
There are more than 60 times in the Bible where God instructs us not to fear and some of these will be the passages from which we learn together that there are some amazing reasons to trust in God, no matter how ferocious the onslaught. I would appreciate your prayers as I study and seek to find ways to communicate these truths. The results can be heard live at Bible Center or after the fact on www.WaggonerMedia.com - whatever the means of delivery - I pray they will cause you to trust more and tremble less.