I have been reminded in the last few weeks of this need. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to meet and share my best wishes with Governor Manchin and today I had the privilege of praying for the opening of the State Senate session. I had the opportunity to visit with several of our legislators and support staff and was reminded that these are not just folks whose names and pictures appear in the newspaper or on TV; these are real people with real needs and real problems and are in need of real prayer. It is our job to come through with the real prayer!
So let’s devote some time to pray for our leaders- national, state and local. God will be pleased.
Prayer for the WV Senate
March 25, 2009
Dear Heavenly Father:
You have told us in Your Word that every good gift comes from above, from You, the Father of Lights. So we give You thanks for the gift of this day,we give You thanks for the gift of a great land that we call West Virginia, we give You thanks for the gift of a great people, and we give You thanksthat we have the high privilege of calling ourselves West Virginians.
Dear God, we ask Your blessing on all of those who make this state great, those who today are in the factory, in the school, at the desk, in the home, in the mines,or on the farm; those who are in the firehouse, the court house, or in this House. We ask that You might give us all a knowledge of Your presence and the wisdom and the strength to carry out our duty in a way that helps our fellow man and brings glory to You.
We ask that Your particular blessing may rest on these Senators who have gathered to do ourstate’s business and to be about Your business.
We humbly seek these favors from the hand of our loving God and in the name of our Savior. AMEN