Saturday, September 07, 2013

Images of the Holy Spirit

Dear Friend:

I hope as the days of Summer draw to a close you are experiencing the blessings of God.  I want to invite you to get in on the beginning of our next Biblical study and I trust it will open up a rich flow of blessing in your life.  This new adventure begins this Sunday at 9 and 11 am.  We will look at a number of biblical images of the Holy Spirit to broaden our understanding of the Spirit and sharpen our biblical focus. We are interested in more than just the powerful language of the Bible- we will focus on the relationship to the reality behind the image. For example: we might enjoy the idea that the Spirit flows like life-giving water but the water does no good unless we take a drink. I hope you will join us in this life-changing study.

Click here to watch a video introduction to this series.


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