Friday, March 26, 2010

What a Week

What a week! There certainly could be no more momentous week than the one which stretched from the Sunday Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding on a donkey to the following Sunday when He left the tomb. It was the week that completed the mission of redemption. It was the week that sealed the fate of Satan and those that follow Him. It was the week that secured the destiny of all those who in faith follow Jesus.

This week I want to invite you to walk along with Jesus through that last week. Take some time to, either alone or with your family read through the accounts of this week in the Gospels. Then join us for the events we have planned to help focus our attention and stir our worship on the God who poured out His love upon us. Tonight we have our annual Easter musical presentation featuring our Sanctuary Choir. We will have a special service on Thursday night with communion as we remember the last supper; a Good Friday service will take us to the cross; a contemporary service will prepare us for the dawn of resurrection week. The capstone will be our three services next Sunday as we worship our risen Lord.

Make plans to be moved by this week-long journey and be sure to invite someone to come along with you.

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