Friday, March 26, 2010

The Torn Veil

This Sunday I will be sharing part 4 of the five part series entitled: "The Cross History's Supreme Moment" as we look at the forth of five miracles that occurred when Jesus died. Each of these were designed to speak in a language that the people involved in the event would understand. We must go behind the scenes into the culture, history and Old Testament text in order to uncover the power of the messages God delivered to mark the significance of the sacrifice of His Son.

Feel free to join us at Bible Center Church this Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45, or on the radio AM 580 WCHS @9:30 a.m. or online at

Jesse Waggoner

What a Week

What a week! There certainly could be no more momentous week than the one which stretched from the Sunday Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding on a donkey to the following Sunday when He left the tomb. It was the week that completed the mission of redemption. It was the week that sealed the fate of Satan and those that follow Him. It was the week that secured the destiny of all those who in faith follow Jesus.

This week I want to invite you to walk along with Jesus through that last week. Take some time to, either alone or with your family read through the accounts of this week in the Gospels. Then join us for the events we have planned to help focus our attention and stir our worship on the God who poured out His love upon us. Tonight we have our annual Easter musical presentation featuring our Sanctuary Choir. We will have a special service on Thursday night with communion as we remember the last supper; a Good Friday service will take us to the cross; a contemporary service will prepare us for the dawn of resurrection week. The capstone will be our three services next Sunday as we worship our risen Lord.

Make plans to be moved by this week-long journey and be sure to invite someone to come along with you.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Easter = Outreach

I have seen signs that the seasons are changing the last few days. There has been a little more sunshine, the temperatures are warmer and the trees are beginning to bud; all great things in my book. Churches also have seasons and the time just before Easter is harvest time. Even those who would only be slightly inclined to attend church seem to be more open at Easter time. We usually have our highest attendance of the year on Easter Sunday. Church growth experts call it “The Easter Surge.” Whatever you call it, we should all be alert to the opportunities to do some outreach. We at Bible Center will be sure to be ready to welcome our guests and make sure the Gospel is clearly presented.

As you leave services on Sunday you will be given two Easter invitation cards that list all of our upcoming activities as well as give a special invitation to our celebrations of the resurrection of our Lord. Please pass these on with a friendly encouragement to join us. If you would like more than two, please stop by the Information Desk and get some extras.

We also are providing three electronic ways to share the same invitation. If you are a subscriber to CONNECT, you will receive one via e-mail; and please forward this e-mail on to anyone you like. If you are not a subscriber, just send an e-mail to and we will send you one. If you are on Facebook, just visit the Bible Center page ( and “Share” the invitation on your profile. If you are a Twitter user, you can “Retweet” the invitation as well (

Let’s see what God can do through all of us in these next two weeks.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Theologians and biblical scholars love to argue many things and one of them is: when is a miracle a miracle? Some things are clearly miracles, such as Jesus walking on water, turning water into wine, etc. But what about an answered prayer- was that a coincidence or God’s use of ordinary means to accomplish His purpose through providence? I am not sure that most of us strive for that level of exactness; we are content to give God credit for an extraordinary intervention, even through the use of ordinary devices. In our study today, we will look at the earthquake that occurred as Jesus died. Earthquakes happen frequently; in fact, on the day I write this (3/10) the USGS has recorded 31 earthquakes in the world with a magnitude of 2.5 or greater. It is only when they are massive or in populated areas that we hear about it, such as the recent ones in Haiti and Chile.

But sometimes God so times the circumstance and the moment of the “ordinary” that there is no doubt that He is making a statement. Often the statement may be unclear, but in the context of the cross it is. The shaking of the earth was to show that His power is supreme and after a three hour absence during the darkness, He was back and in control!

In your ordinary moments, be alert that God is at work doing extraordinary things. You also are invited to join us for part 2 of "The Cross: History's Supreme Moment" this Sunday at Bible Center Church or online at


Wednesday, March 03, 2010

The Cross: History's Supreme Moment

I thought you may like a little preview of my coming series of messages...We go to great lengths to mark a special day. We eat cakes, tie up balloon, decorate homes, send cards, sing songs, and a hundred other things. Sometimes the lengths we go to seem extreme. I remember one wedding at Bible Center where the wedding party left our parking lot not in a car pulling cans, but by helicopter!

There was one day like no other on God’s calendar, and He went to great lengths to “mark” this day as no other. For the next five Sunday’s we will be looking at the miracles that occurred on the day Jesus died. Each of these five supernatural events were designed to be a marker that this was the day that was at the intersection between time and eternity, between the need of sinful man and the love of Holy God. As we study these we will also find that each miracle was carefully chosen to send us a particular symbolic message as to the spiritual reality that was unfolding on Calvary. So let’s enjoy the journey back to the cross where we will find that it is the supreme moment in history!

So you are invited to partipate at Bible Center at either 9:00 a.m. or 10:45 a.m. or online at
