Friday, January 21, 2011

Heart of Jesus (parts 2 & 3)

I am in the "red zone" with my dissertation and almost all of my time the last two weeks has been taken up with research and writing and addtions to my blog have suffered. Until I can get back to writing on a regular schedule I offer you the follow two audio sermons - this is part 2 & 3 of "The Heart of Jesus Series."


In Your Darkest Hour (Luke 7:11-17)

Broken People Wanted (Luke 7:37-50)

Friday, January 07, 2011

The Heart of Jesus

Finish this statement: "You really know who your friends are when __________________."

That statement can be completed several ways but in my mind real friends are those who are there for you when no one else is. The ones who take the initiative to check on you. That ones who will not let you go through whatever life hands you alone. Real friends are those who lend a hand when it is unpopular or inconvenient to do so.

By this definition real friends are rare and the make-believe kind are a dime-a-dozen. Before I sound like I am complaining – I know that I need to work on being a real-friend and I am thankful that I am blessed with some choice “real friends.” All that to say – the Lord Jesus is indeed a real friend. He is the one loves when we are unlovely, forgives when we are guilty, and will never, repeat never, abandon us (see Rom. 8:38-39). With Jesus we have a Savior who is more than someone who offers help to look good; Someone who reaches out due to some external motivation. With Him we have His heart. You can trust His heart, even when it doesn’t look like it, even when it doesn't feel like it, even when it seem illogical, Even when no one else is trusting – you can trust His heart.

This is the study I am currently working on and sharing with the folks at Mount Calvary Baptist Church on Sunday mornings. This is also available on my podcast or you can listen in at 7:30 a.m. on WCHS beginning this Sunday, January 9th. I trust we together can learn to trust the heart of Jesus.

Listen to The Heart of Jesus (part 1)

WCHS Radio